We offer classes for all ages and all abilities on both sides of the river.

Winter Term is currently mid session, with registration still open for select drop-in classes.

Spring Term is 10 weeks with plenty of time to dive into your favorite apparatus, learn new skills, strengthen old favorites, and explore a new discipline! We’ve divided the term into Sessions A and B to add flexibility in payment and scheduling, but we hope you’ll continue with the same class for the whole term. If you would like to set up a payment plan or discuss options, please let us know. We are happy to work with you.

Drop-ins are offered in Baby Circus, Open Gym and select adult classes. Thank you! 


The Echo Theater Company is able to provide limited financial aid for our youth and adult classes and camps, thanks to the generous support of our community. Our application form is open and we accept applications on a rolling basis.
Apply today!

Please note: Financial Aid must be renewed before registering for Fall Term. Once approved, aid will be applied automatically through Aug 2024.


Registration Opens for Spring Term 3/4 at 2PM.

You can see the Spring Term Calendar’s below!


January 6 - March 23

Session A (5 weeks) January 6 - February 9*

Session B (6 weeks) February 10 - March 23

*No regular classes on 01/20 or Spring Break 03/24 - 30

Echo Theater
1515 SE 37th Ave

Echo West
1420 NW 17th Ave


March 31 - June 8

Session A (5 weeks) March 31 - May 4

Session B (5 weeks) May 5 - June 8*

*No Class Memorial Day, Mon May 26


We recommend familiarizing yourself with the courses we offer by browsing our weekly classes below. When you are ready to register for a class or course, click “Register Now” and sign up through our class management system, Uplifter. You can use the search feature on Uplifter to quickly find your desired class. After you have enrolled in class, Uplifter also serves as a great place to refresh your memory about class times and dates!

Please note, if you are looking for camps and workshops, head straight to Uplifter for more information.

Not sure what level to register for? See our Prerequisites page!

Trouble registering? Contact us.

Calendar of Classes by Location

Looking for ONLINE CLASSES? View our offerings on Uplifter.

Click on Schedule Images to Expand

Echo Theater hosts classes for everyone, ages 1 to 100! (Actually, 1.5 years old is the youngest!) An easy way to navigate our class and camp offerings is by selecting an age group. While we are all kids-at-heart, "KID" means students ages 1 - 15, and "ADULT" means ages 15+. 


We encourage families and intergenerational groups to play, perform and create together. Our popular Baby Circus classes are a great introduction to circus for our youngest students and their parents! Family Circus classes and additional mixed age workshops are offered periodically.

If you are interested in a birthday party or special family event, learn about parties here!


We offer classes and camps for multiple age groups:

AGE 4 - 6, AGE 6 - 10, AGE 10 - 13, AGE 13 - 17

Echo also supports two youth performance ensembles at the Echo Theater, the Tik Toks (ages 9 - 14) and the Zig Zags (13 - 18) and a training company at Echo West, Brio (ages 10 - 18).


Adult classes are available for ages 15+. You can search by discipline or browse all of the adult (15+) classes. Please note, several classes are listed under multiple disciplines

For more information about each discipline, check out our "By Subject" page, which includes descriptions.

Note: Some classes require prerequisites.

Echo Theater is a multi-disciplinary school, laboratory and performance space. Our goal is to help you create fearlessly. We offer many styles of movement classes, on the ground and in the air. Please note that single-day workshops may not display on these subject-specific pages. To view current one-off workshops (most often offered during school breaks), please click here for one-off workshops.

While many of our classes open to all levels, some do have prerequisites. Please let us know if you have access needs or questions and we will help you find the best class for you!